“Ks-Series” Banknote Sorters – Heavy Duty

Revolutionary and Heavy-Duty Banknote Sorters: LAUREL’s Ks-Series with 4 to 24 Stacker Pockets for Casino, Bank Vault, and CIT Applications

Denominating, Sorting, Fitness, TITO(Casino barcoded Tickets) and Serial Scan of Banknotes (Option)

Latest Ks-Series Banknote Sorters with Sorting, Fitness, Casino Tickets - Highest Speed in the industry at 1200 Bills per Minute or 72,000 Bills Per Hour

The Ks-Series Banknote Sorters represent cutting-edge technology, combining sortingfitness assessment, and the ability to handle casino tickets. These robust machines boast the highest speed in the industry, processing an impressive 1,200 bills per minute or a staggering 72,000 bills per hour.

The Ks-Series High-speed Banknote Sorters are designed with a modular approach, allowing for extensive configuration flexibility. Users can choose from 4 Stackers up to 24 output stackers having a dedicated reject pocket, enabling customization to meet a wide range of customer requirements.

Ks- Banknote Sorters from 4 - 24 Stackers configuration

Ks-Series Banknote Sorters with Automatic Banding / Strapping Module


(1877) 570-2676

Available from 8:00 – 3:00 Hawaii Std. Time

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